Toward an accessible and supportive social work profession
Disability & Well-Being In Social Work (DWSW) is a community space for social workers, students, agencies, academics and activists advancing disability and well-being related priorities in the social work profession and our communities. Learn more about DWSW.
DWSW activities are grouped into 4 main areas.
Social Work Associations
Social Work Education
Follow the public LinkedIn page 🡕 or join the private LinkedIn Group 🡕
Disability Pride Month Resources
Explore a collection of resources related to disability and social work.
The Resource Library includes items specific to social workers with disabilities and broader experiences of disability. For example, links to groups, presentations, research, academic resources (programs, syllabi, textbooks etc.) and guides & other resources.
Accepting donations for the 2025 scholarship.
Applications open March 2025.
We define disability as a broad spectrum which may include for example, anyone who identifies as disabled, as having physical or mental disabilities or disorders, d/Deaf, hard of hearing, blind, low vision, mad, neurodivergent, or chronically ill.
We define well-being as a person's overall mental, physical, emotional, and economic health.
Within social work,
can our profession conceptualize participation and inclusion of people with disabilities to multiple identities:
client, citizen, and colleague?
Quote from research, Kiesel et al., 2019