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Advocating for NASW to Create a National Committee on Disability

See the Letter of Support, initiative history and resources below.

Action at a national scale is needed from NASW to advance disability inclusion in the social work profession due to barriers in academic programs, employment and professional associations.


Add your support and see the initiative history and resources below.

Latest Update (Oct 15, 2023)



The proposal decision is still in progress and has been delayed due to an overall governance review.


NASW has stated the governance review will be completed in January 2025, after which a report will be presented to the Board. 

It is assumed that following that report, a decision will be made regarding the proposal to establish an NASW National Committee on Disability.

Sign the Letter of Support

Information may be shared with NASW, otherwise treated as confidential.

Letter of Support Summary Slideshow

The intent of the Letter of Support is to illustrate the need for NASW to create a National Committee on Disability to support the equitable participation of disabled social workers in the profession, advocate for disability related issues, advance disability inclusion and promote overall well-being.


Click through the slides to see a short summary of the full Letter of Support information.


If you're interested in being more involved in this campaign,

please send a message using the contact form at the bottom of the page.


October 2023

Proposal Status: On Hold



The proposal decision is still in progress and has been delayed due to an overall governance review.


NASW has stated the governance review will be completed in January 2025, after which a report will be presented to the Board. 

It is assumed that following t
hat report, a decision will be made regarding the proposal to establish an NASW National Committee on Disability.

September 2023

Additional Support Communicated

An email was sent to the NASW President, CEO and DEI staff on September 15, 2023 which reiterated support and provided over 80 signatures and additional comments.

Additionally, on September 1, 2023 DWSW submitted a proposed bylaws amendment which provides another formal avenue for this effort and is asks to amend the NASW bylaws to include the National Committee on Disability as a bylaws mandated committee as the other 3 diversity related committees are (even though the original proposal hasn't been approved yet). This process is long but according to the NASW website (link), this should be being discussed during September/October. 

August 2023

Decision Delayed

The proposal decision is still in progress and has been delayed due to an overall governance review. The next NASW Board Meeting is September 29-30, 2023.

June 2023

Proposal Presented

A proposal based on the Letter of Support will be presented at the June 30th NASW Board meeting for potential July implementation.

May 2023

Email to NASW & Response

On May 14th, 2023, the Letter of Support was was emailed to NASW President Joyner.


On May 16th, 2023, a supportive response was received from NASW.

  • At the April 27-29 NASW Board Meeting, President Joyner recommended that the Board consider the creation of 4 "new committees, structures, or task forces for possible implementation in July based on recommendations from a study group", including Disability as one of the 4 potential committees.

  • Dr. Perez (Vice President of DEI at NASW) was copied on the email from President Joyner (along with other Board and Staff) and added that the proposal will be presented at the June NASW Board meeting for potential implementation in July.

  • NASW's DEI team have a study group in progress and a proposal will be presented at the June NASW Board meeting. The study group will reach out to discuss meeting / next steps that interested members can assist with as they prepare their presentation.


On May 23, 2023, a meeting with NASW's DEI team took place virtually to discuss next steps for the proposal. 


  •  Our group's proposal will be presented at the NASW Board meeting at the end of June. We have until mid-June to make adjustments to the proposal.


  • A survey was created based on 3 priorities,

    1. to inform the title of the Committee,

    2. to gather feedback on additions or adjustments to the proposal and 

    3. to identify future interest in Committee participation.


  • Please share your thoughts via this 5 question survey: SURVEY CLOSED

April 2023

Campaign/Letter Launched

In April 2023, a Letter Of Support was created to organize support for the creation of the new NASW Committee on Disability.


The Disability & Well-Being In Social Work website and group was launched.


March 2023

Initial Email Request

At the end of March 2023, an NASW member emailed the association President requesting a new committee focused on disability inclusion and encouraged others to email their support.

Resources For Sharing

Download for sharing via email, social media or anywhere.

White text on bright blue background. Add Your Name to the Letter of Support. Action at a national scale is needed from NASW to advance disability inclusion within social work.

Sign the Letter of Support to encourage NASW to create a National Committee on Disability.

Add Your Support Image 1

Click image to enlarge and save.

White text on bright blue background. Advance disability inclusion in social work

Sign the Letter of Support to encourage NASW to create a National Committee on Disability.

Add Your Support Image 2

Click image to enlarge and save.

Screenshot of PDF Letter of Support One Pager

One Page Summary

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Click here to download PDF

Social Media Series

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